질문과 답변


Blame Malaysia!☞


My name is Daniel. I was an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea, and now I am a writer who has published

three books including South Korea: Our Story by Daniel Nardini, and My Taiwan, Seoul and 

Guadalajara (Mexico) Memoirs by Daniel Nardini.

                      Well, it is official: North Korea is blaming Malaysia for the death of Kim Jong-nam and said

that Kim simply "died" of a heart attack. The North Korean government is going further in saying that Malaysia

has been "pressured" by South Korea to put the blame of the death on North Korea, and by "refusing" to 

return the body of Kim Jong-nam to North Korea. Yes, it is a Blame Malaysia campaign where the DPRK

(Democratic People's Republic of Korea---official name of North Korea) is innocent and that it does not matter

that the Malaysian police found a banned nerve gas agent, VX, was used after an autopsy, and it does not

seem to matter that those North Korean officials responsible for the planned murder have either escaped to North Korea or refuse to testify when ordered by the Malaysian government. All of this was caught on video cameras,

and the testimony from the two women who carried out the assassination simply confirms that this was a 

planned act. But according to the North Korean government, it is all a conspiracy by both Malaysia and South

Korea to draw attention away from the installation of the THAAD anti-missile defense system in South Korea

that is such a "threat" to North Korea. This accusation just does not hold water. I have been to Malaysia, and I 

learned through my experience that Malaysia is trying its best to remain neutral to any and all political ideologies and animosities in the region. That Malaysia has tried to host Chinese and South Korean tourists while also

allowing a North Korean presence on its soil is testament to that. What has changed is that North Korea has

spat on Malaysia's sovereignty by carrying out this assassination and other illegal activities on Malaysian

soil. In my view, the North Korean embassy should be forcibly closed down, all its personnel kicked out of

Malaysia, and North Korea be put back on a terrorism watch list.     

저작자 표시 비영리 변경 금지
인간은 환경을 창조하고 환경은 인간을 창조한다.(밝은 사회) <00> 오늘 가장 좋게 웃는 자는 역시 최후에도 웃을 것이다.(니체) 사랑은 고생을 면할 수가 없다. 그러나 잊을 수 있는 능력이 있다.(디즈레일리) 기쁨을 주는 사람만이 더 많은 기쁨을 즐길 수 있다.(알렉산더 듀마) 시간을 선택하는 것은 시간을 절약하는 것이다.(베이컨) "한 손으로 다른 손을 씻고 안심하면서 먹는 한조각 빵이 근심하면서 먹는 잔치보다 낫다.(이솝) 대화시의 신중은 웅변보다 더 중요하다.(그라시안) 자신이 자신의 지휘관이다.(플라우투스)
◁♤<00> 다른 사람들을 비난하려고 생각하기 전에 자기 자신을 추분이 살펴보아야 한다.(몰리에르) The will of a man is his happiness.
▦오늘 가장 좋게 웃는 자는 역시 최후에도 웃을 것이다.(니체) 자연은 하나님의 작품이요. 예술은 사람의 작품이다.(롱펠로우) 선한 사람이 되라. 그러면 세상은 선한 세상이 될 것이다.(힌두교 속담) 사물은 항상 시작이 가장 좋다.


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